Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Cat Has A Rodent Ulcer


Dear Young Democrats,
who's writing is one of several young party activists in Sicily Nichi Vendola .
I wanted to write these few lines to express my outrage and disappointment on the policy chosen by your party at the regional level.
Much time has passed since the last regional congress, from which the Hon. Wolf has been elected secretary of the party with a very clear and determined policy about the support the government Lombardo. But even in the aftermath of that congress, the party line has changed in the name of a false idea of \u200b\u200breform. And now you find yourself unable to support a regional government to take strong initiatives to reform the various bodies from the Sicilian society and thus counter the severe economic crisis affecting key sectors of the Sicilian economy and many families. Just words, just beautiful words come from the gray buildings of the policy. After about six months of government still expect the first results. The announced reforms are both around the corner, or better on posters of your campaigns only as a propaganda slogan.
Nonostante non abbia mai aderito al vostro partito, mi sono sempre interessato alle vostre vicende poiché le ritenevo dinamiche che potevano interessare l’intero centro sinistra.
Il pd a cui ho pensato sempre è un partito molto diverso da quello attuale.
Ho sempre pensato ad un pd ampio, aperto alle critiche e al confronto, ben radicato sul territorio, non attaccato alle poltrone, vicino alle giovani generazioni.
Ho sempre sognato un pd in cui i giovani potessero essere il fulcro centrale del partito.
Ho sempre sognato un pd unito a tutte le altre anime della sinistra italiana e siciliana. Si, tutti uniti per portare avanti instances of the weak, to give voice to those who do not have to look at that piece of society left to itself, to restore citizenship rights to all those who are frustrated and trampled upon every day.
But now I realize that I dreamed pd does not exist yet. This pd is still too weak a party, not only electorally but mainly dominated politically and proves to the policies dictated by Lombardo. A party which still prevail in certain logics of power in relation to the true and noble idea of \u200b\u200binnovation.
And I ask you, dear Young Democrats have the courage to dare to choose, to decide. I ask you to take a strong stance against the prevalence of these logics that are far from our conception of politics. I ask you to take a strong stance against the regional government, and fight in your party to try to define another policy very different from today. A policy can be focused on building a real alternative to the government. We owe it to so many and the many Sicilian who still believe in the possibility of change for this country. We owe it to the thousands of young people like us, they see before them, hopes for the future. Together we can do much, each in their respective parties, we work to rebuild a coalition. We work to rebuild the unity of the left in Sicily and in Italy. This region has great need of the left. And the left needs so badly even the Democratic Party.
So comrades work together to restore hope to this land, so that all the Sicilians can return to dream after so many years of political patronage of the various right-wing government. Rimettiamoci running, we shine a new face and center-left of the Sicilian sun. Lombardo sent home the government and create conditions for democratic governance and unfair reversals with this wonderful land, because it has the right to be governed by honest and capable people who work on a new Sicilian Renaissance.
Caltavuturo (PA), January 26, 2011
Antonino Musca
(pictured above with Nichi Vendola)


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