Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Hang A Puzzle?


Sebastiano Mortellaro / Stefania Zocco

a cura di Francesco Lucifora e Aldo Taranto

3 - 25 Aprile 2010

Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea Montevergini Siracusa

The two artists have worked for several weeks prior to the exhibition, within Montevergini, and their action, filmed, was seen simultaneously by a monitor placed outside the museum. For the shooting were used closed circuit television cameras and a mobile camera. The intervention on the site, designed to return it to its function and dignity, which device is characterized by reflection on the use and value of contemporary art museum as a forum for the promulgation of ideas related to the social fabric: a reflection not only theoretical, between art and experience.

activities on the site by clearing debris and opening paths blocked, an operation was performed with the instruments of art, the concept of context. The open nature of the work of two artists - opened in more ways, even in the choice of mediarlo through a simultaneous view outside - has marked their face to face with the essence of the work site in question.
videos during the show were presented by four monitors arranged in different parts of the museum into a sort of "double reverse charge".

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If the real criticism is a critique of the real part of the same reality, the attempt to restore dignity and function is an Montevergini critical. Sebastian Mortellaro and Stephen Zocco in "First aid" in an institutional space degraded achieve a place of discussion in comparison with reality. Instead of filling works for the space, the dismount. Dismantle a scenario of rubble and disqualification to rebuild it again to test more favorable terms.

As the material of the dream is not separate from its meaning, so the comment is not the reality of video material are not in relation to the work places as subtitles off, but as a comment and simultaneous production of actions and mutations. "First aid" in this sense is a format, a format of representation Montevergini and reading in itself: it is a place to come and exhibit their art as the final process of an external operation, but the place of production, production of meaning in her be, live.

therefore not how to fill a space, the problem, but: how to record the changes simultaneously doubling comment? How to test the comparison between image and reality and feel it out, make it outside? How to put face to face reality and duplication?

Beyond the polemics on the state of abandonment, in facing the site, "First aid" turns the concept of the museum-based static to test compliance with new and new social situations. Montevergini at this juncture has become a building site for a host of visitors passing through. What happened is proof that the best conditions and produce appropriate responses "to intervene on the symptoms" produces only adjustments. The exhibition attempted to translate into reflexive structure set to a new situation: the provision of a new public perception intermittency and transient.

Not so much the recovery of a degraded site to expose their work, they wanted to and the recovery as the work itself. Too many "stock" and too many "waste" have been disposed, too many for a museum of contemporary art in detector negative side of those accumulations produce some art.

The two artists with "First aid" are put to the test critically the museum, its identity and its history: in a constant size between retrospective and anticipation at the heart of stature.


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