Saturday, January 15, 2011

Temperature Of 37.4 In An Adult

ARCI_Le iniziative per ricordare l’eccidio del 20 gennaio 1893

Riportiamo il Comunicato stampa del Circolo Arci “20 gennaio” di Caltavuturo sulla manifestazione in programma per giovedì 20 gennaio 2011 , una giornata per ricordare l’eccidio di 13 contadini caltavuturesi avvenuto il 20 gennaio del 1893.

"Il 20 gennaio prossimo ricorre il 118° anniversario dell’eccidio di Caltavuturo, giornata in cui tredici contadini, di ritorno dall’occupazione di alcune terre nel territorio Caltavuturese (insieme ad altri 500 cittadini), vennero uccisi per mano dell’esercito regio e momento in cui si iniziano a diffondere in tutte le Madonie i Fasci siciliani dei lavoratori.

“Vogliamo onorare la memoria storica di chi ha dato, with determination and heroism, his own life to defend the right to land and its future "- said the Councillor for Culture of Caltavuturo Massimiliano Cerra -" the act of revolt of the young men and peasants, now more than ever , occurs in our hearts and in our current affairs. 20 January 1893 that has marked a profound impression of pride and redemption, and has entered the most glorious pages in our town of Sicily this tormented by blood and fight "ends with emotion and enthusiasm Cerra.

Antonino Musca, president of the Circolo Arci Caltavuturo Jan. 20, says that "it was our prerogative to turn the spotlight on an event so important for our entire community, we return to remember one of the saddest pages but at the same time the most important and significant moments in our collective history. Go back to remember our heroes, our "partisans" who, with courage and strength have been fighting against a system that would deny their rights.

The day's program, organized by Arci "January 20" and the Town Council, in collaboration with the parishes Caltavuturo, including the Institute "G. Oddo, the Institute for Technical Tourism, Palermo PNA and Freedom, is full of initiatives and events. At 10.30 will be celebrated a mass in the Cathedral Church for the repose of the thirteen victims of 1893. After the Mass, then a procession that will travel the streets of Caltavuturo until arriving in the square in which there is a plaque commemorating the massacre and where the terrible massacre took place. Here students will recite poems and read some historical tracks and also at the end, will be flown 13 white lanterns, each dedicated to a victim. In the afternoon, at 16.30 at the Museo Civico "G. Guarnieri "there will be a conference which will be attended by Umberto Di Maggio, head Regional Free Sicily, Ottavio Newfoundland, provincial president of the PNA, the English writer Gonzalo Alvarez Garcia and Angelo Ficarra, former chairman of the centennial of the beams of workers. The meeting will be coordinated by prof. Roberto Sottile and will be attended by the Mayor of Caltavuturo Calogero Lanza, President of the Council for Culture and Alderman Vincent Meli Massimiliano Cerra. At the end of the conference polizzano Moffo Schimmenti songwriter, will perform popular songs on the beams in Sicily. At the end of the conference will start a torchlight procession, which involved many young people, which will end again in the crime scene, where the Mayor will lay a wreath.

And it is the Mayor Calogero Lanza, who says: "It 's intention to recall the City Council each year since that tragic date, part of our history and a reminder for future generations, even with other initiatives that enrich even more this appointment. I remember that we participated in a regional call for the promotion of historical anniversaries, demanding the creation of a comic and a representation of cunto right on January 20. "

Joseph Romana


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