Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Cat Has A Rodent Ulcer


Dear Young Democrats,
who's writing is one of several young party activists in Sicily Nichi Vendola .
I wanted to write these few lines to express my outrage and disappointment on the policy chosen by your party at the regional level.
Much time has passed since the last regional congress, from which the Hon. Wolf has been elected secretary of the party with a very clear and determined policy about the support the government Lombardo. But even in the aftermath of that congress, the party line has changed in the name of a false idea of \u200b\u200breform. And now you find yourself unable to support a regional government to take strong initiatives to reform the various bodies from the Sicilian society and thus counter the severe economic crisis affecting key sectors of the Sicilian economy and many families. Just words, just beautiful words come from the gray buildings of the policy. After about six months of government still expect the first results. The announced reforms are both around the corner, or better on posters of your campaigns only as a propaganda slogan.
Nonostante non abbia mai aderito al vostro partito, mi sono sempre interessato alle vostre vicende poiché le ritenevo dinamiche che potevano interessare l’intero centro sinistra.
Il pd a cui ho pensato sempre è un partito molto diverso da quello attuale.
Ho sempre pensato ad un pd ampio, aperto alle critiche e al confronto, ben radicato sul territorio, non attaccato alle poltrone, vicino alle giovani generazioni.
Ho sempre sognato un pd in cui i giovani potessero essere il fulcro centrale del partito.
Ho sempre sognato un pd unito a tutte le altre anime della sinistra italiana e siciliana. Si, tutti uniti per portare avanti instances of the weak, to give voice to those who do not have to look at that piece of society left to itself, to restore citizenship rights to all those who are frustrated and trampled upon every day.
But now I realize that I dreamed pd does not exist yet. This pd is still too weak a party, not only electorally but mainly dominated politically and proves to the policies dictated by Lombardo. A party which still prevail in certain logics of power in relation to the true and noble idea of \u200b\u200binnovation.
And I ask you, dear Young Democrats have the courage to dare to choose, to decide. I ask you to take a strong stance against the prevalence of these logics that are far from our conception of politics. I ask you to take a strong stance against the regional government, and fight in your party to try to define another policy very different from today. A policy can be focused on building a real alternative to the government. We owe it to so many and the many Sicilian who still believe in the possibility of change for this country. We owe it to the thousands of young people like us, they see before them, hopes for the future. Together we can do much, each in their respective parties, we work to rebuild a coalition. We work to rebuild the unity of the left in Sicily and in Italy. This region has great need of the left. And the left needs so badly even the Democratic Party.
So comrades work together to restore hope to this land, so that all the Sicilians can return to dream after so many years of political patronage of the various right-wing government. Rimettiamoci running, we shine a new face and center-left of the Sicilian sun. Lombardo sent home the government and create conditions for democratic governance and unfair reversals with this wonderful land, because it has the right to be governed by honest and capable people who work on a new Sicilian Renaissance.
Caltavuturo (PA), January 26, 2011
Antonino Musca
(pictured above with Nichi Vendola)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Arab Symbols With Alt

Il giorno di San Sebastiano

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mansion And Garden Stuff No Cd Image


Like all citizens caltavuturesi careful, this association also has had the opportunity this week to hear the statements appeared in the Giornale di Sicilia of 18 and 19 January about the membership of the Golden Phiale the territory of Termini Imerese, this statement voiced by the Culture A. Campaign for the exhibition which opens at the Museum on 28 Minutes Baldassarre Termini Imerese.

leaving other assessments appearance socio-political award, after a long (about 17 years) and troubled return from the USA, the golden Phiale Antiquarium Imera with this news we want to express our disappointment for those arguments, which, in our opinion, reflect the culture, sensitivity and commitment that our country has right now demonstrated for the Phiale gold, and therefore we feel completely free and out of place.

Who wonders why the Pro Loco has felt the need to respond to allegations made by an administrator with a simple answer consideration: 28.11.2004 after many vicissitudes, was born in Caltavuturo our Association who was named


as well as many other local tourist we too have felt the need to tie in something important for our community and, therefore, with this precious and important artifact found in the village of the Hellenistic period on Mount repaired and became a symbol for Caltavuturo thanks all'insperato result of the legal battle that has begun with the U.S. characterized the years at the turn of the century and which also emphasized in the national newspapers l’impegno dell’allora Sindaco titolando “Bill (Clinton) molla il piatto!”, rilevando che il nome Termini Imerese, allora, compariva esclusivamente accanto a Procura della Repubblica e mai come indicazione territoriale.

Inoltre nel 2009 la Pro Loco “Phiale aurea” assieme al Comune di Caltavuturo pubblicavano un’importante studio sul nostro paese dal titolo Atlante dei Beni Culturali di Caltavuturo dove già al primo articolo si parla della “Phiale aurea”, accanto ad una sua splendida immagine a pagina intera, proprio a significare l’importanza che essa ha per Caltavuturo e per i caltavuturesi, e con un pizzico di campanilismo siamo convinti che se oggi venisse fatto un sondaggio ai cittadini di entrambe le comunità sulla conoscenza della Phiale aurea, benché con evidente disparità numerica, l’ago della bilancia penderebbe dalla nostra parte.

Dunque diciamo all’Amministrazione Comunale di Termini Imerese, al di là delle diverse convinzioni politiche, di avere rispetto del nostro paese e soprattutto di noi caltavuturesi riconoscendo l’origine del ritrovamento nel nostro territorio così come supportato dalla letteratura sull’argomento, a riprova di ciò basta visionare la home page della Soprintendenza di Palermo in cui ampio risalto viene dato alla Phiale aurea di Caltavuturo

Pro Loco “Phiale aurea” di Caltavuturo

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pacific Science Center Promo Membership


E’ un successo l’iniziativa lanciata su facebook da parte del Circolo Arci “20 gennaio” di Caltavuturo per cambiare l’immagine del profilo degli utenti con la foto della Phiale aurea di Caltavuturo. Da ieri in tantissimi hanno sostituito la propria immagine con la bellissima foto del piatto d’oro, recentemente oggetto di polemiche tra Caltavuturo e Termini Imerese circa l’attribuzione del suo ritrovamento.

L’ideatore dell’iniziativa è Davide Romana (nella foto), iscritto all’arci: "The idea of \u200b\u200bproposing an initiative on Facebook, a place of prominence the media - said Romana - it came out to support the initiative of the Cultural Cerra, after witnessing the Phiale controversies that have animated recent days. Caltavuturesi We attach great importance to this finding, found in Mount Fixed annoying and we believe that it is not recognized and highlighted the link with the historical and archaeological Caltavuturo - continues Romana - certainly is an asset that belongs to the culture and history of Sicily, but we can not hide behind a veil of Maya on the discovery, as stated by the superintendent. In the end we hope that the prestige of the Phiale possa essere mostrato agli occhi di tutti (vedasi Shanghai) e che a breve ritorni nella sua terra di ritrovamento" .

Circolo Arci di Caltavuturo

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Columbus Ohio Keg Distributors


Martedì 18 gennaio 2011 sul Giornale di Sicilia viene pubblicizzato, con un articolo, l'evento dell'inaugurazione della mostra nel Museo Civico di Termini con protagonista la Phiale Aurea... che non viene citata con "di Caltavuturo" come ufficialmente, dalla documentazione della soprintendenza e dall'Assessorato regionale BB. CC., si evince.

In più la collega, Assessore alla Cultura di Termini, Angela Campagna, afferma: " la storia della Phiale è strettamente legata al territorio di questa città, per cui è doveroso averla qui ". In tutto l'articolo non si menziona minimamente Caltavuturo. Da precisare, la nostra amministrazione non è stata invitata all'evento dell'inaugurazione.

Il sottoscritto e il Sindaco nella giornata di ieri diramavamo il seguente comunicato stampa:

“L’Amministrazione comunale di Caltavuturo con molto rammarico apprende in data odierna, 18 gennaio 2011, da un articolo apparso sul Giornale di Sicilia, in merito alla mostra che si inaugura giovedì 20 gennaio al Museo Baldassarre di Termini Imerese in cui verrà esposta la Phiale Aurea di Caltavuturo, che non manca occasione di attribuire, ancora una volta, arbitrariamente il ritrovamento del piatto d’oro. L’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Caltavuturo Massimiliano Cerra afferma con decisione: “Apprendo, leggendo dall’articolo del gds, che la collega Assessore Angela Campagna ritiene di affermare che ‘la storia della “Phiale Aurea” è strettamente legata al territorio di Termini Imerese, per cui sarebbe doveroso averla lì.

Già a settembre, in un dibattito con il Presidente di Imera sviluppo,ho cercato di chiarire che il ritrovo della Phiale Aurea has occurred in the territory of Caltavuturo, namely a Monte Fixed. Ancorauna time, I must note unfortunately - still Cerra - that you try to sidetrack the history and archeology in their favor. I hope that from today onwards, and finally, the protagonist of Phiale Aurea, in any occasion, be explained next to the name of Caltavuturo. The Mayor of Caltavuturo, Calogero Lanza spoke about, that: "The fact that the superintendent had intended as the site of the museum Himera Phiale Aurea, the golden bowl of the Hellenistic period found in Caltavuturo stolen and smuggled into America, and after a long battle, where the Town was featured so that it could be riconsegnato al suo luogo natio, non può sicuramente non tener conto di quella che è la storia della Phiale; in considerazione, altresì, del fatto che il Comune di Caltavuturo ha già inoltrato richiesta per inserire Monte Riparato, dal quale provengono numerosissimi reperti esposti all’Antiquarium, nel Parco Archeologico di Himera, non foss’altro per la storia e per l’importanza data dagli addetti ai lavori al nostro sito archeologico. La nostra speranza è che si sviluppi sempre di più una politica territoriale e non campanilistica, anche su questi temi, per il vero sviluppo del territorio della vallata dell’Himera. Tutto questo va nella direzione degli sforzi e degli impegni economici che le Amministrazioni che have occurred over time have invested for the construction of the Museum "Don Guarnieri" in order to accommodate, within the archaeological section of the Golden Phiale Caltavuturo " .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 article in the gds always a part of the public that the above statement says a further statement of my colleague Country: "I recognize the link with Caltavuturo, but when I'm in close connection with I am referring to his discovery because no investigation by public prosecutors Terms games probably would not have ever found ... " .

Ed ecco la mia risposta già diffusa in un comunicato: “Vogliamo ribadire e chiarire due punti focali riguardo questa vicenda. Punto primo: la Phiale è stata rinvenuta nel territorio di Caltavuturo, nei pressi di Monte Riparato. Punto secondo: nessuno vuole mettere in discussione che il piatto d’oro non sia un reperto che appartiene a tutta la cultura siciliana, bensì, quello che vogliamo far rilevare è che la storia non può essere riscritta a piacimento. Credo fermamente che il nome della Phiale Aurea, se sinceramente si vuole “contestualizzare” il suo ambito di appartenenza, non può non prescindere da Caltavuturo” . In fine – continua Cerra - I do not feel the slightest sound made by the equation linking campaign, I would have the pleasure of meeting for the first time since this administration has received no call on the inauguration of the exhibition, according to which 'the discovery of Phiale Aurea can be attributed to Termini Imerese in that investigations for the return of that were initiated by the prosecutor termitana '. If all the archaeological finds should be attributed to the territories that are home to the investigation pertaining to the cultural heritage, then the municipalities without a court could be stripped without a word, remember that in most investigations were followed and assigned to Marshal Messineo Carabinieri recently moved to from Termini Imerese Caltavuturo. I hope that in the interest of the citizens of the Terms of Caltavuturo and Sicily, the historical and cultural reasons may prevail over that of a bell tower, in the light of the fact, confirmed yesterday by Mayor Lanza, that our City Council has asked the ' Regional Department to include the archaeological site of Monte Ripatato, of which many remains are exposed Antiquarium, in the Archaeological Park Himera .

Massimiliano Cerra

Councillor culture Caltavuturo

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How To Hack Time Big Fish Game

disOrdini da Modusvivendi

Domenica 23 gennaio 2011 dalle 9.30 alle 13.00 presso la libreria Modusvivendi in via Quintino Sella n° 79 a Palermo, Alessandro Maria Calì presenterà il suo libro - inchiesta disOrdini .

“Due architetti condannati a otto anni di reclusione per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, medici condannati a pene severe per collusioni con la mafia, un ingegnere arrestato ben tre volte per favoreggiamento alla mafia e riciclaggio, due avvocati condannati per aver contribuito al riciclaggio del tesoro di Vito Ciancimino: storie molto diverse tra loro ma con un fattore in comune, i professionisti risultano tuttora iscritti nei rispettivi Albi. Come mai? "DisOrdini" è la storia di un presidente dell'Ordine degli Ingegneri che a Palermo è riuscito, superando ostilità e sfiducia, a cancellare dall'Albo Michele Aiello, "il re Mida della sanità siciliana".Per quali ragioni, nonostante siano diverse centinaia i casi di professionisti collusi, gli Ordini professionali non sanzionano gli iscritti che si macchiano di colpe così gravi? Le ragioni sono molteplici e Alessandro Maria Calì prova a tracciarne un sentiero, delineando anche proposte concrete per delle possibili riforme”.

Giuseppe Romana

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Does Dvr Help Show Ratings

Meetings, exhibitions, events


Third appointment

May 22, 2010

EVENTS Sebastian
Mortellaro / apple Salem / Aldo Taranto / Stefania Zocco
civil protection cooperation

When the invitation was addressed to our participation as artists to your third date - “Progetti di restauro e riuso dei monumenti” – ci siamo concentrati soprattutto sul sottotitolo della manifestazione – la gente incontra l’architettura, l’architettura incontra la gente – partendo dal concetto di Centro storico come spazio ereditato su cui l’architettura è chiamata a misurarsi con prudenti progetti di restauro di monumenti in funzione di un loro riuso. Dunque lo spazio ereditato come spazio delle relazioni umane e il riuso di alcuni elementi presenti in esso in funzione dei mutamenti: di qui Collateral placement, costruito come sequenza percettiva il cui primo atto è il posizionamento nel centro storico di tende ministeriali della protezione civile per le emergenze, posizionamento nevralgico di un flusso di relazioni deviate su una direttrice forzata da un’ipotetica necessità, che si conclude con l’atto, primario per la sopravvivenza, del mangiare che si svolge nel campo della protezione civile e a cui sono stati chiamati gli architetti partecipanti al convegno e la gente del luogo. In secondo luogo, il progetto di riuso dei monumenti: la nozione di riuso non è affatto neutra. Serve a tal proposito citare “Primo intervento”, un lavoro su Montevergini, museo d’arte contemporanea di Siracusa condotto da Sebastiano Mortellaro e Stefania Zocco, a cura di Francesco Lucifora e Aldo Taranto

Il commento
Collateral placement merita un commento. Posizionamento collaterale a due ordini di realtà: what is lost and anticipation that awaits us. The very idea of \u200b\u200bmodernity is that of a continuous dimension in which past and future coexist intercepting them. This is the side that in some mysterious way is at the root of things we look at the reality and we're already in another reality. You can never say "this is behind us, no longer belongs to us", or "this is before us, is not real." We are always in these two orders of reality: what is past and anticipation of the future. This also applies to the living, that is for the building, which are fundamental modes of existence man.

space relations
The horizon of theoretical and practical art of this decade is based largely on the sphere of interpersonal relationships. As artists we were interested to test their own reporting mechanisms within a community, particularly in relation to space inherited. No coincidence that we wrote in the introductory text that resists what is imprinted in the historical centers relational. Constructed a sequence of perception it has functioned as both a production machine of meanings. One question facing the artists, but not only artists, is how can I live in reality? How to position myself in front of the lost object, the past, and at the same time to face the future, anticipating it? It 'clear that the reflective structure must be set to change, on the changing perceptions.

on changing city
There must be a difference between things that are changing and becoming. Becoming is not the same thing as bringing change, not impose it on people and leave them no way to escape. Cities change quickly in confusion and there is an erosion of their characteristics. Work on the future of a city it means to have acute awareness of his identity, identity on which to orient the changes. Becoming decide than the one before giving way to an architecture drawn from a preliminary thought, from the concept.

Collateral Re-use of monuments placement chooses the concept that arises in relation to the context in and conflicting position that is why we can define a non-event as opposed to so-called real events. Along the same line, "First aid" - designed by Sebastiano Mortellaro and Stephen Zocco in April 2010 to Montevergini, Galleria Civica d'Arte Contemporanea - it worked like device put to the test context. The concept of reuse of a monument is not neutral, must show itself. It is not only a change that is required but a mutation: the place is completely different meaning, especially in the case museum of contemporary art. The choice must be considered as a part of the city as a whole urban indoor / outdoor. Thus the two artists in "First aid" carried out with the tools of an institutional space in place of demoted a discussion which compares with reality. Instead of completing their work space, dismantle, rather than interpret the symptoms, a scene of rubble and reconstruct a new prohibitions to be testing more attractive conditions. Going beyond the contentious issue for the state of abandonment, the museum's "First aid" flap, according to its critical attitude to contemporary art, the design of museum as a static site to test the move towards new subjectivities more responsive to current social processes characterized by a gradual breakdown of boundaries in all areas. Free up space, opening up clogged passages and windows closed, returning memory to the museum, new circuits have been emitted energy and new intersubjectivity. Montevergini at that moment becomes a work in progress both material and immaterial, and this proves that better conditions produce appropriate responses and the interpretation of symptoms alone does not produce appropriate adjustments. Too many "stock" and too many "waste" for a museum of contemporary art: how to build the detector in negative effects sometimes produces side art. The two artists with "First aid" are put to the test critically the museum, its identity and its history: in a constant size between retrospective and anticipation at the heart of stature. The real

tells the real
Collateral placement in its materiality was reflected in a field of civil protection facilities, with its men, equipment, instruments: a focal position in the heart of Victoria, a confluence discontinuity in legislation, of being an emergency, a forced necessity. A position facing the existing and anticipates the future: not a metaphor to say something through un’immagine, ma la tautologia del reale che racconta il reale. Lo spostamento, la deviazione riguarda più che altro la percezione di quel che vediamo, ciò a cui assistiamo e partecipiamo, dal sensibile all’immateriale. Come immateriale è lo spazio delle relazioni, il sistema di chiusure e di aperture su cui si modella l’intersoggettività.

How To Hang A Puzzle?


Sebastiano Mortellaro / Stefania Zocco

a cura di Francesco Lucifora e Aldo Taranto

3 - 25 Aprile 2010

Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea Montevergini Siracusa

The two artists have worked for several weeks prior to the exhibition, within Montevergini, and their action, filmed, was seen simultaneously by a monitor placed outside the museum. For the shooting were used closed circuit television cameras and a mobile camera. The intervention on the site, designed to return it to its function and dignity, which device is characterized by reflection on the use and value of contemporary art museum as a forum for the promulgation of ideas related to the social fabric: a reflection not only theoretical, between art and experience.

activities on the site by clearing debris and opening paths blocked, an operation was performed with the instruments of art, the concept of context. The open nature of the work of two artists - opened in more ways, even in the choice of mediarlo through a simultaneous view outside - has marked their face to face with the essence of the work site in question.
videos during the show were presented by four monitors arranged in different parts of the museum into a sort of "double reverse charge".

... ... ..

If the real criticism is a critique of the real part of the same reality, the attempt to restore dignity and function is an Montevergini critical. Sebastian Mortellaro and Stephen Zocco in "First aid" in an institutional space degraded achieve a place of discussion in comparison with reality. Instead of filling works for the space, the dismount. Dismantle a scenario of rubble and disqualification to rebuild it again to test more favorable terms.

As the material of the dream is not separate from its meaning, so the comment is not the reality of video material are not in relation to the work places as subtitles off, but as a comment and simultaneous production of actions and mutations. "First aid" in this sense is a format, a format of representation Montevergini and reading in itself: it is a place to come and exhibit their art as the final process of an external operation, but the place of production, production of meaning in her be, live.

therefore not how to fill a space, the problem, but: how to record the changes simultaneously doubling comment? How to test the comparison between image and reality and feel it out, make it outside? How to put face to face reality and duplication?

Beyond the polemics on the state of abandonment, in facing the site, "First aid" turns the concept of the museum-based static to test compliance with new and new social situations. Montevergini at this juncture has become a building site for a host of visitors passing through. What happened is proof that the best conditions and produce appropriate responses "to intervene on the symptoms" produces only adjustments. The exhibition attempted to translate into reflexive structure set to a new situation: the provision of a new public perception intermittency and transient.

Not so much the recovery of a degraded site to expose their work, they wanted to and the recovery as the work itself. Too many "stock" and too many "waste" have been disposed, too many for a museum of contemporary art in detector negative side of those accumulations produce some art.

The two artists with "First aid" are put to the test critically the museum, its identity and its history: in a constant size between retrospective and anticipation at the heart of stature.

Fireplace Surround Build

Galleria Civica d'Arte Contemporanea Montevergini - Syracuse
CoCA Center of Contemporary Arts - Syracuse, Modica
/ Modica
In contemporary
3 / 4 October 2009
by Aldo Taranto Francesco Luciani
in collaboration with Association Uburè Laboratory and potential self

Syracuse / Modica Contemporary was founded on the desire to show possible variations in this crossover that only the arts can reveal. Except that this is not the territory defined by boundaries, has no political boundaries such as nations, is constantly evolving, and new transit pass for imaginary strongly linked to real life experiences of other perceptions, foreign migrants and migration in the body. When, recently, the crossing remained confined in its conceptual formulation - and were manifested in the phenomenon of polymorphic contamination of the visual arts, music, theater - the scene of the plots could be seen as soon as certain current extreme reflection del presente su se stesso, del presente autoriflesso. Oggi i transiti più che un anelito sono una necessità, più che attraversare, l’arte è attraversata, ed insieme ad essa l’artista. Ogni volta un nuovo inizio, come nel rituale nomade del togliere il campo.
Ma le linee dei transiti non sono affatto casuali, sono misteriosamente collegate in modi complessi, piste che vanno indietro e avanti, sotto e sopra e che si fanno strada a volte a fatica nel territorio della banalità sopraffacente. Non importa, quel che conta è la percezione dell’esistere. Il sentire la separazione tra il mondo umano e quello animale e vegetale, se facciamo caso ai miti antichi e ai rituali di ricomposizione di quel legame spezzato, era his men of the past. At the present time that separation, although it has deepened, the more people today feel that the re-hears, feels like the media message is the echo of everything. Rearranging the connection between our bodies and places is urgently required. The closures begin to explode. Art remains.
remain directions: at Syracuse, 9Cerchi moving wheels as nine tracks for the dance of the Indonesian Hainuwele myth, in which the power of ritual dance connects death and birth, the human world and the natural world. The same force persists in actors, performers, artists, dancers in their videos that we present.
A Modica, born Of Contemporary Arts Center, specialized library of contemporary arts with the creation of an archive that wants to collect, preserve and restore the production of paper and constantly produced in the magnetic circuit of the arts. Catalogs, magazines, books and videos, new segments are to orient and re-orientation of existing codes and symbols in contemporary existence.
southeast and Overlays, an exhibition and a series of lively talks with some of the world of art that speak to an audience fast direct comparisons with the artists. In Modica, there is a particular focus on the movements of the contemporary arts and a fascination with the parallel growth of a young collector that supports inevitably gli artisti emergenti. C.o.C.A integra la creazione di un patrimonio comune da mettere a disposizione di persone e luoghi che troppo a lungo hanno atteso una visita o che hanno dovuto spostare il domicilio per godere del sapere che deve essere diritto fondamentale di ogni territorio senza distinzioni geografiche e culturali.
E’ finita l’epoca delle lamentazioni del sud, si inaugura la stagione di un’identità siciliana che nelle arti del contemporaneo trova il riscontro del proprio presente e la mappatura del futuro, senza steccati né barricate, ma con influenze trasversali tra pittura, scultura, teatro, performing arts e sapere condiviso.

9 cerchi in movimento / artisti (Siracusa)

C.o.C.A. Preview (Modica)
Verso sud-est_sovrimpressioni
Rosario ANTOCI
Giuseppe BOMBACI
Adalberto ABBATE
Stefania ZOCCO

How Much Is My Citrine Worth

Terra Nova_n°12_dicembre 2010

Cliccate sulle immagini per ingrandirle.

Per soddisfare le richieste dei tanti nostri concittadini che vivono lontani da Caltavuturo, pubblichiamo il n° 12_dicembre_2010, del nostro giornale cartaceo.

La Redazione

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Temperature Of 37.4 In An Adult

ARCI_Le iniziative per ricordare l’eccidio del 20 gennaio 1893

Riportiamo il Comunicato stampa del Circolo Arci “20 gennaio” di Caltavuturo sulla manifestazione in programma per giovedì 20 gennaio 2011 , una giornata per ricordare l’eccidio di 13 contadini caltavuturesi avvenuto il 20 gennaio del 1893.

"Il 20 gennaio prossimo ricorre il 118° anniversario dell’eccidio di Caltavuturo, giornata in cui tredici contadini, di ritorno dall’occupazione di alcune terre nel territorio Caltavuturese (insieme ad altri 500 cittadini), vennero uccisi per mano dell’esercito regio e momento in cui si iniziano a diffondere in tutte le Madonie i Fasci siciliani dei lavoratori.

“Vogliamo onorare la memoria storica di chi ha dato, with determination and heroism, his own life to defend the right to land and its future "- said the Councillor for Culture of Caltavuturo Massimiliano Cerra -" the act of revolt of the young men and peasants, now more than ever , occurs in our hearts and in our current affairs. 20 January 1893 that has marked a profound impression of pride and redemption, and has entered the most glorious pages in our town of Sicily this tormented by blood and fight "ends with emotion and enthusiasm Cerra.

Antonino Musca, president of the Circolo Arci Caltavuturo Jan. 20, says that "it was our prerogative to turn the spotlight on an event so important for our entire community, we return to remember one of the saddest pages but at the same time the most important and significant moments in our collective history. Go back to remember our heroes, our "partisans" who, with courage and strength have been fighting against a system that would deny their rights.

The day's program, organized by Arci "January 20" and the Town Council, in collaboration with the parishes Caltavuturo, including the Institute "G. Oddo, the Institute for Technical Tourism, Palermo PNA and Freedom, is full of initiatives and events. At 10.30 will be celebrated a mass in the Cathedral Church for the repose of the thirteen victims of 1893. After the Mass, then a procession that will travel the streets of Caltavuturo until arriving in the square in which there is a plaque commemorating the massacre and where the terrible massacre took place. Here students will recite poems and read some historical tracks and also at the end, will be flown 13 white lanterns, each dedicated to a victim. In the afternoon, at 16.30 at the Museo Civico "G. Guarnieri "there will be a conference which will be attended by Umberto Di Maggio, head Regional Free Sicily, Ottavio Newfoundland, provincial president of the PNA, the English writer Gonzalo Alvarez Garcia and Angelo Ficarra, former chairman of the centennial of the beams of workers. The meeting will be coordinated by prof. Roberto Sottile and will be attended by the Mayor of Caltavuturo Calogero Lanza, President of the Council for Culture and Alderman Vincent Meli Massimiliano Cerra. At the end of the conference polizzano Moffo Schimmenti songwriter, will perform popular songs on the beams in Sicily. At the end of the conference will start a torchlight procession, which involved many young people, which will end again in the crime scene, where the Mayor will lay a wreath.

And it is the Mayor Calogero Lanza, who says: "It 's intention to recall the City Council each year since that tragic date, part of our history and a reminder for future generations, even with other initiatives that enrich even more this appointment. I remember that we participated in a regional call for the promotion of historical anniversaries, demanding the creation of a comic and a representation of cunto right on January 20. "

Joseph Romana

Friday, January 14, 2011

Body Style Change Chevy Tahoe

Carnevale Caltavuturese 2011_le iscrizioni

Pro Loco "Phiale golden" is pleased to announce that registrations are open for the Carnival parade Caltavuturese 2011. In the wake of last year and with the support of the City of the Pro Loco Caltavuturo this year has been invested with the role of supporter and organizer of the event. For the new edition have been provided improvements that will make the event even more interesting and fun without neglecting the safety aspects for both the participants and the audience.

The main objective will be great fun, and why not, we will try to plant the seed culture for the carnival that has invested in the recent past, our country and that is firmly secured in the minds of many fans who still are enhanced at the thought. The Pro Loco could not bet on this objective, strong invention, the student spirit, enthusiasm and sportsmanship that the participants will surely give us this year.

Entries will remain open until 19.30 of Monday January 24, 2011, to enroll, simply download the announcement at the official site of the Pro Loco complete attachments and deliver them at our headquarters in Via Vitt. Emanuele n.55 (ex Library) from Monday to Friday from 18.00 to 19.30. Caution, however, places are limited so applications will be accepted in the chronological order of arrival.

Finally we extend a special thanks to the Mayor, Calogero Lanza, who enthusiastically believed in our project by providing its trust.

Anthony Granata

President Pro Loco Caltavuturo

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Memory Lapse Could This Be A Seizure

Estrazioni concorso Caltacom

Il 6 gennaio 2011, come da regolamento, sono stati estratti i biglietti vincitori del “Concorso a premi Natale 2010” organizzato da un gruppo di commercianti di Caltavuturo denominato Caltacom .

Il primo premio, una vacanza voucher del valore di € 800,00 , è stato assegnato al possessore del biglietto avente il numero 0.0080 . Altri 15 premi di buoni-spesa del valore di € 20 sono stati assegnati ai possessori dei 15 biglietti aventi uno dei numeri inseriti nella tabella (vedi foto). Inoltre è stato estratto anche un biglietto di riserva avente n. 0.2661 . It seems that the holiday was won by Mr. Ignatius Scimeca.

Staff Writer