Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Does The 2010 Bracelets Mean

Intervenire subito sulla strada Caltavuturo - Scillato

The Caltavuturo City Council at its meeting on January 30 2011 has comments to the proposed scheme of three-year plan public works of the Province of Palermo in 2011 I ask you to provide the extraordinary maintenance on the road No 24 Caltavuturo - Scillato designed to remove the sections that collapse causing serious inconvenience to users. The road Caltavuturo - Scillato, traveled every day hundreds of light vehicles and heavy, was affected in 2005 by a landslide near the river and close Imera behind the pillars supporting the highway Palermo Catania, and therefore needs constant maintenance and extraordinary.
The City now proposes to include interventions to eliminate the most dangerous instability along its roadmap for the amount of 1,500,000 euro, among the priority to be made as early as 2011.
The proposal of the City was also sent to the Prefecture and the Department of Civil Protection, as is the right way Caltavuturo - Scillato artery di collegamento con l’autostrada assolve ad una funzione strategica anche in occasione di deviazione del traffico autostradale nel tratto Scillato – Tre Monzelli in occasione di manutenzioni o incidenti e quindi di interesse sovracomunale.
L’Amministrazione comunale vigilerĂ  sull’attuazione di quanto richiesto non escludendo iniziative anche clamorose di protesta.
Domenico Giannopolo
Assessore ai LL.PP. di Caltavuturo


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