Monday, February 21, 2011

Can I Drink Alcohol With Fluconazole?

Italy Italy

Ore 19.15


Friendship in chaos.

But how is one to do to become the best leader the Western world,

meet people doubt, as the Bedouin of the Libyan desert, even kisses his hand,

gives a lot of money to satisfy a League of expression with some difficulty,

becomes ridiculous with impromptu parades in the heart of the Italian capital with learning difficulties, the bunga-bunga,

for all the good of his country and you'd like to happen?

Four nerds who have no respect for the important people to the streets to protest and you send him away,

the Bedouin, with the risk of finding no oil or gas .

With all that going on, we must also take care of the Bedouins.

It is to think about how to block processes, such as muzzle the press which only casino, cut the nails on the courts that have

it into their heads to subvert the wishes of the people all put to jail those who allow themselves to publish the eavesdropping,

is short to deal with serious matters.

Unfortunately these important things that affect us all, all, everyone, absolutely everyone, are overshadowed by this rut \u200b\u200b

in North Africa who want to better living conditions.

And so we need candy humanitarian emergency after another tourist on our shores.

Those who were illegal immigrants lockable yesterday, today I am a humanitarian emergency.

I can not see the difference, but Maroni is a man of honor ...

Thank goodness that our politicians spend their time discussing the process to our beloved leader and are gripped by doubt

on how many Fli's return to the PDL and whether the deputy Santanchè can buy some more.

And then the poor Minetti, with those lips to shelter station, which is working with his head down on the proposals to be submitted

in Lombardy Region aiutare le minorenni nordafricane a trovare lavoro in quel di Arcore, è minacciata dai pubblici ministeri


Ma non sarà che tutta questa cagnara in nord Africa è dovuta alla bella pensata di avere coinvolto l'innocente nipote di Mubarack in una serie di vicende

istituzionali dai risvolti imprevedibili?


ones, the North Africans are fumantini and they take it for nothing ...

Meanwhile, our salesmen to be continually angry phone messages.

They came to you?


... o casino?

Deperimento orgiastico


Ore 19,00


L' aviazione libica bombarda i manifestanti

Ore 18,15



I the mine is a cat. What is his?

know No, excuse me if I ask him, but when I met the vet

always someone who has some strange animal ... to say, the last time

there was a guy with an iguana, the first time a girl with an Ermine,

but alive, you know, not in version .... and its fur? his, is it?

Ah, una colomba...mio marito non me ne farebbe mai tenere una in casa...come

dice? sta facendo una specie di allevamento...e le rende?

...ah, nelle maggioranza dei casi si...e ne ha tante? più di trecento?

Perbacco! tolga una curiosità, sono tutte nate nel suo

allevamento o...ah, le acchiappa in giro...e come fa, come fa? Usa un

richiamo speciale?

Euri ...?

notes ... but will ...? coins? Austrian lire? pecunia?

But think, how strange ... and it works, it works?

Ah, it works fine ... do not know, I'm strange, but he wants, I've got I always

only had cats ... and then once the grab where he put them? you

short, where he keeps? A nice big aviary imagine, no?

A no? Dove scusi? In parlamento? Che posto strano per tenerci del

piccioname...dice che è proprio il posto loro...

No, per carità, non metto becco, magari saranno una razza speciale...ah

ecco, vedi, vedi che ho ragione, che specie è?

..."colomba finiana"...mai sentita, eeeh, ma cosa vuole, io sono solo una

povera casalinga, di ornitologia, non me ne intendo, che I know he wants

crossroads that you do high-level farmers, take a group of

birds here, put them together with some more 'of pigeons there and trac !

Magic: a species that was not there before belleffatta, a new group of

trinca ... eeeh, who wants to understand who I ... I c ' I only had cats.

Ore 17.55



Ore 12,00


Ore 11,10


League, what's going on?

Radio Padania has canceled at the last moment, the direct 'In 1 / 2 hour' that was to be held today with room for radio listeners on the issues of federalism , the party of 17 March, when Ruby and the political situation. "Grounds for opportunities," explained the Northern League leaders.

Ore 09.05




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