Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wedding Memorialwording


Saturday, March 12, 2011 we held the meeting of the youth forum at the City Hall Caltavuturo. With the boys, who attended many, we have addressed various issues, as per the agenda. We have presented projects right now, for 2011, the forum young people want to make: the project "ecotrek" which starts March 20, the culturcard and training courses, including drama, guitar, photography and rock climbing. Initiatives that are going to bind to other interventions for young people, youth policies cited by the Department Cerra, such as scholarships for university theses dealing with Caltavuturo, summer lab, faimpresa, the catalog of artists and various other activities.
We also addressed, together with the Mayor and the boys, the problem "carnival" and "local closure order" . All of us guys coming together, determining for the next and future events for the next carnival us directly to arrange a variety of recreational activities to support and contour of the usual parade or other activities that the Administration intends to pursue. We believe that with the cooperation of all, you may be able to animate well for leisure at our disposal; in più, affrontando il problema dell'ordinanza che obbliga i locali a chiudere alle due, è emersa la volontà di trovare una soluzione nel rispetto delle regole e delle leggi ed il Sindaco si è impegnato a verificare, anche attraverso una riunione di giunta, le condizioni di misure meno restrittive. Ringrazio tutti i giovani che hanno preso parte alla seduta di oggi, il Sindaco e gli altri amministratori. Riteniamo che il forum giovani sia una grande risorsa per Caltavuturo e per i ragazzi che vi abitano. Appuntamento alla prossima!!!
Emanuele Muscarella
Presidente Forum Giovanile

visit the blog of the forum:


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