Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nerf Nerf Razor Beast


Il 20 gennaio 2011 abbiamo vissuto uno dei momenti culturali più alti e più intensi, da quando abbiamo fondato il nostro circolo. Il 20 gennaio 2011 la nostra comunità ha ricordato con coscienza e con dovuto rispetto quel tragico avvenimento che marked the deepest furrow in the soul of the history and formation of society Caltavuturese. A feeling that belongs to the culture of each of us and who laid the foundations for a revolutionary movement which were the Fasci Siciliani in Madonie and Sicily. We the youth of the twenty-first century we base our actions and we devote our thoughts to those guys who hung out on the ground, even if killed by the guns of the powerful, open space that we need to radiate to dedicate to their sacrifice.
We want to thank those that, in those days, contributed to the excellent success of the event, Administration, ANPI, Free, and all citizens who expressed gratitude and appreciation for Our interest in remembering and honoring that date, in particular, our attention focuses on the young boys who were sincerely interested in coming to work on projects proposed on January 20, judging our commitment punctual, well organized and boldly fresh. thanked us because we have rekindled the flame of memory.
So our intention is, among other topics we will discuss such as the great battle of freedom with the public referendum on the water, to make regular appointments rich and everyone knows that except for casual . And in this, the our research work, full of passion, memory and responsibility, has led to an original proposal to which we have worked together in writing to our Head of Culture: access to a regional call for funding for projects involving memory and historical anniversaries . We have proposed to participate in the administration through the establishment of a cartoon drawn by the pupils of secondary schools, whose "script" is in preparation and representation associated with it, in different areas of Caltavuturo through cuntista, the facts of day of San Sebastian as it was once made with the storyteller. We hope that the Regional Department for cultural heritage to give a favorable opinion ABOVEMENTIONED instance. We call on all organizations and individuals to contribute in the future, to another edition of " our day of remembrance."
Well, January 20 is the basis for looking forward, is the verb and the demonstration that our country is rich in revolutionary elements, past and present, not at all bent to resignation and sedimentation, is that once traced the path ahead, and the research they need to expand, is the honor we must make the souls of those guys who gave their lives for our future activities.
Circolo Arci "XX January" Caltavuturo


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