Friday, September 11, 2009

How Long Does Sushi Food Poisin

Ladies and gentlemen ...

Here I am, with some big news. At 2.40 this morning (night) I sent to my dear editor malloppone the files with the final chapter of rubor Maximus, the sixth, yes, it is finished, after about three and a half years that we used MRI company concludes. A capitolone final, which I hope will in part respond to many questions about the universe of RM: still there is always the famous special issue to fill the possible gaps and clarify unexplored aspects of the story. I am satisfied and so I hope so are the readers. The icing on the cake for those who do not know, I have been nominated for the prestigious Prix Charles BOSCARO 2009, as the best Italian series. Prize to be awarded during the event on TV Comics - Comic Book Festival Treviso (Treviso from 26 al 27 settembre). Tutto ciĆ² mi rende molto felice e mi sprona ad andare avanti con nuovi progetti. Anticipazioni? Diciamo che mentre mi occupavo di RM lavoravo anche alla sceneggiatura di altri fumetti, che a breve vedranno la luce. Quindi, a parte una breve pausa, dalla prossima settimana si riparte a pieno ritmo...


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