Friday, September 18, 2009

Can I Wear Sweater Vest To A Wedding

Greystorm rubor maximus?

Il prossimo 10 ottobre arriverà in edicola una nuova miniserie Bonelli, che attendevo da diverso tempo. Si tratta di Greystorm, epopea a carattere steampunk (anche se Antonio Serra, il suo creatore, preferisce parlare di narrativa alla Jules Verne), il cui protagonista è un certo Robert Greystorm, un folle e geniale scienziato degli inizi del Novecento. Greystorm, grazie ad una spedizione al Polo Sud, farà an unexpected discovery that will forever change his life, leading him to choose the path of evil and creating a terrible threat to all mankind. His long adventure will be set in England, the South Pole and the islands of the Pacific, and will cover a period from the end of the 800 until 1920. Why do I care Bonelli this new project? For several reasons: it has to do with steampunk imagery that comes to technology and because it is somehow linked to the fact that RM is a reality of publishing. Already several years ago by Serra was a project similar to the present, but then had a different name, which drew a handful in the imagination of Jules Verne and seemed to wink at a fictional biography of the life of Robur, the character of Verne protagonist of two novels (Robur the Conqueror and Master of the World) and a film of the 60 dedicated to him, with Vincent Price and a young Charles Bronson. It was the middle of 2006, and I, at that moment, I was working at the tables of the first chapter of rubor maximus. I remember it hit me, I thought that aside from the beautiful "The Life of Julius Wonder" by Bilotta and Di Giandomenico, would take some time before he saw something that steampunk in Italy. He took the heat I decided it was time to give the prints to my story, I did not want to finish second and the case caused che la mia strada si incontrasse con Giorgio Messina della Cagliostro E-press; così, dopo qualche mese, nel marzo del 2007 uscì il primo volume di RM. Diciamo che la paura di arrivare secondo era legata al fatto che sia io che il progetto Bonelli lavoravamo su Verne e Poe, e la possibilità di creare situazioni simili era molto alta, ed il rischio di essere additato come un clone non mi piaceva. Adesso invece mi posso godere con tranquillità questa nuova storia Bonelli, anche se penso di sapere cosa troverà Greystorm al polo sud (se siete lettori di Poe e Verne mi capite). Vediamo se indovino oppure no… Poi vi faccio sapere se la serie mi piace.
P.s. informazione d'appendice: nella prima stesura di RM, the one presented in Lucca Contest 2005, the "machine" was found at the south pole.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Will A Black Light Show Seman

comic strip

last few days is the magical world of a new web magazine dedicated to the ninth art: comic strip

editorial director Alessandro Bottero and a number of employees who more or not revolve around the Cagliostro. If you happen to let us jump ... Meanwhile I hope the newcomers a "good luck".

Friday, September 11, 2009

How Long Does Sushi Food Poisin

Ladies and gentlemen ...

Here I am, with some big news. At 2.40 this morning (night) I sent to my dear editor malloppone the files with the final chapter of rubor Maximus, the sixth, yes, it is finished, after about three and a half years that we used MRI company concludes. A capitolone final, which I hope will in part respond to many questions about the universe of RM: still there is always the famous special issue to fill the possible gaps and clarify unexplored aspects of the story. I am satisfied and so I hope so are the readers. The icing on the cake for those who do not know, I have been nominated for the prestigious Prix Charles BOSCARO 2009, as the best Italian series. Prize to be awarded during the event on TV Comics - Comic Book Festival Treviso (Treviso from 26 al 27 settembre). Tutto ciò mi rende molto felice e mi sprona ad andare avanti con nuovi progetti. Anticipazioni? Diciamo che mentre mi occupavo di RM lavoravo anche alla sceneggiatura di altri fumetti, che a breve vedranno la luce. Quindi, a parte una breve pausa, dalla prossima settimana si riparte a pieno ritmo...