Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wear A Pin With A Shirt

SEBASTIAN Mortellaro

filisto251 14 to 21 December 2008

Syracuse via Philistus 251

Unless we take refuge in utopia, we need to confuse the time because the space of 'existence is measured by the limit, while the reflection and the look can share the line. Individual self-employed
Sebastian Mortellaro form the core of a body of work reflect its research and its method: to look and move to the present, images of a past and he just disappeared family in disguise.
against time to be this way, meeting the past, may be contrary to the present. But it can become a force to be out of date over time.
themes and language derives from a memory in them, although scattered and submerged in the uniformity of the prevailing models. It asks whether and what relationship may exist between their identity and what goes through the world today, the issues of contemporary life.
Mortellaro Sebastian seems to indicate man's need to incorporate parts of time that do not belong to their existence, but precisely who they are dealing.
is to make it run on time, to share the verse as in a mirror, a gesture which moves in the opposite direction.
(Aldo Taranto)

filisto251, space in which they work three artists, became for Sebastian Mortellaro, since November 2008, the place of its creation and implementation of a new project. Sebastian Mortellaro moved in place as those who host, carries a small bag in the corner and finds a way to ricavatosi a note for consideration. Now presents his new work, almost transparently, without taking anything away from what the three different studies of the other artists went sediment. Jobs that were born in the midst of other work, keeping the point of things do not move anything around to draw suggestions for thought.

by edita43


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