Sunday, October 26, 2008

Free Template For Renting A Room


Horace Battaglia / Claudio Cavallaro / Stefania Cintoli
Germana Falco / Sebastian Mortellaro / Morio Nishimura
Apple Salemi / Aldo Taranto / Sasha Vinci

October 5, 2008


one appointment of a lonely evening in the garden of the study of three artists (Claudio Cavallaro, Germana Falco, Aldo Taranto) each of which has invited two other generating three triads.

Three times three, nine artists.

could otherwise, and in many ways, say that the initial three high-power or variable reading of the triads and the plan tree, the formula, the numbers, growth and evolution. All issues can be ... or imagine.

Finally, the earth. The garden of the peak southeast of Sicily, the largest yet.


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