Saturday, February 27, 2010

What Episode Does Vegeta And Bulma Kiss?


Among few days will begin the sixth edition of Fullcomics , to be held in Sarzana (La Spezia), 5 to 7 March 2010, at the Fortezza Firmafede, extraordinary location in the center of the Ligurian city. The Cagliostro E-press attending, and I am among the guests, I can meet Saturday and Sunday. I must say that this year's edition is especially rich in both guests of exhibitions, with over 400 original works of great authors: Stefano Casini, Lele Vianello, Guido Fuga, David Rubin, Marcello Toninelli, Sergio Gerasi, Roberto Battestini, Marco Trisorio, by Francesca Sacco and many others, such as the original drawings by Sonia Galletti, illustrator of the comic published by Cagliostro E-Press "A reflection in the glass," whose screenplay are Ferramosca Ilaria (TalkinK etc.). I take this opportunity to report some of the comics Cagliostro, maybe you forgot to buy in Lucca, but you will be able to rifarvi Fullcomics "Minifiabe" Paul Massagli, a journey through the typical fairy tales as children, monotavole revisited in adult-style horror, gothic, gore, sexy, and sado punk ... yes yes, all this and more ... beautiful, "Trashy - professionals death style" by Marco Perugini, a grotesque pulp that has its hands in the real world of television ... not what you would do audience ... a must, and finally "Neo EON" the successful series of web comics, printed in a brand new paper version is completely redesigned and rewritten. In an extraordinary drawings Matteo Giurlanda ... and if you do not know who he is, you'd better give her name in my head ... will do great things for sure ... a great ...

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